I’ve put up a new header image by the very artistic Carmen, I hope you like it – I wanted something that felt nostalgic and it definitely hits the mark!
Christmas feels like it’s pretty much over and done with now, I’ve been thinking forward to the New Year. We’ve booked a big family holiday to Greece in the summer, and I’d really like to feel a bit more confident in my skin by then. I put on a lot of weight after having my son, and although I know my body needs a lower carb diet to prevent this (thanks gestational diabetes!) I haven’t been taking care of myself properly since. There have been a lot of excuses and “I love food…” moments, but I decided to sign up to a 12 month contract at Second Nature. I did a 3 month cycle three years ago which really worked, but lost motivation once my contract finished. The program has changed a bit since I last did it, so I hope it still works!
Have you got any plans for the New Year?